The Challenge of Future Carbon and Emissions Reduction for Rural Communities


Whilst accepting the overwhelming need to decelerate the rate of climate change, it should be recognised that a one-size-fits-all approach to decarbonising transport will not achieve the desired outcomes. It could be argued that the government’s Road to Zero industrial strategy is urban-centric and does not reflect adequately the different needs across the UK. This paper aims to consider a range of possible outcomes for the rural community of current options for transport decarbonisation.

The paper discusses what makes the rural environment unique, meaning it requires different consideration in policy-making. We know, for example, that the population profile of a rural environment is very different from an urban profile combined with the remoteness of some areas makes the economics of transport very different from urban settings. This in turn makes decarbonisation a potentially different challenge to face.


The views represented are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views or policies of CILT.

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