5th China International Logistics Development Conference

Image for 5th China International Logistics Development Conference
Date & Time
16 – 17 November 2018 Changsha, Hunan Province
0:00 (Europe/London)
Changsha, Hunan Province

The Conference theme for this year’s event in Changsha, Hunan Province is Connectivity, Integration and Development.

Registration opens at the conference venue, the Kempinski Hotel, Changsha, on Thursday 15 November.

Delegates will be greeted by leaders of China Government, the President of the CCTA, the leader of Hunan province and the Mayor of Changsha Municipal People’s Government on Friday 16 November before listening to presentations by domestic and international logistics experts.

The afternoon session is devoted to “One Belt One Road ” China-Europe Block Train City Cooperation and Development Summit, and to the Women in Logistics and Transport (WilAT) Forum.

On Saturday 17 November delegates will have the opportunity to visit local logistics companies.

To reserve a place, delegates should complete the registration form here and send it to Lyu Man at ciltchina@126.com

Follow up on last year’s 4th China International Logistics Development Conference here:
