International Convention 2018

3 – 6 June 2018 Wroclaw, Poland
0:00 (Europe/London)
International Convention 2018 will be taking place in Wroclaw, Poland from the 3rd to the 6th of June.
The historical capital of Lower Silesia, and Poland’s fourth largest city, Wroclaw represents a fascinating blend of cultures, religions and politics, and boasts a proud academic heritage – the University of Wroclaw has produced nine Nobel Prize winners since the beginning of the 20th century.
Awarded European Capital of Culture 2016, Wroclaw acts as the financial, cultural and commercial hub of Western Poland, and is home to a thriving student community.
Poland occupies a unique global position. Situated at a crossroads between East and West, the last three decades’ of economic and cultural progress have made Poland a by-word for success.
CILT International Convention 2018 will consider the key themes of Linking CEE to the World, and The Electric Car Revolution and its Impact on Logistics.
Delegates will enjoy an exciting 4 day programme, including presentations by Professor David Cebon, Director of the Cambridge Vehicle Dynamics Consortium, WiLAT Global Advisor Dr Dorothy Chan, and Professor René (M.) B.M. de Koster of the Rotterdam School of Management, as well as a fascinating discussion entitled How to put a Zebra on the Moon by former Executive Director of Travis Perkins and Visiting Fellow at Cranfield University, Robin Proctor.
The full programmes includes workshop and interactive sessions, the Women in Logistics and Transport Conference, the Young Professionals Conference, Technical Visits and a boat trip down the iconic River Oder.
Book now and help shape the future of our Institute and our Industry.
For further information, visit the International Convention 2018 website.
Read an in-depth interview with Dr Marcin Pawęska, President, CILT Poland about his vision for International Convention 2018.