Navajyothi College

Post Bag No: 5,
Kerala 670511,
Blended learning
Face to face
International Diploma in Logistics and Transport
This course is designed to support professionals involved in planning logistics operations and those operating in supervisory or operational management roles. It is also ideal for graduates with non-business degrees moving into the logistics field.
As a Level 5 programme, this would be taught at the same level as Year 2 of a Bachelor’s degree, but is focussed on vocational rather than purely academic learning.
Candidates study four units (one mandatory and three electives/options) and are assessed via a written examination. Whilst the course can be delivered in a part-time manner over up to 18 months, most complete within a year. The course will be a blend of both taught material and independent study.
Successful completion of the CILT International Diploma together with a minimum of 3 years appropriate experience meets the eligibility criteria for membership upgrade from Student Member to Member (MILT) of the Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport.
About Navajyothi College
Navajyothi College at Cherupuzha in Kannur, district, is an academic initiative of the CST Fathers of the Little Flower Congregation who began their ministry there in the 1990s. They realised the need of people for higher education and hence an affiliated self-financed college was started in 2010.
The first batch of students was admitted to the three courses of Computer Application, BBA, and BCA in the following year. In 2013 B.Com Co-operation, BA English Literature with Journalism, and M.Com finance were added to the courses offered by the college. Later years M.Com Marketing, MA English, BA Economics, and B.Com Finance were added to the existing course.
The benefits of studying with The Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport approved training.
Founded in 1919 with a mission to improve industry practices and nurture talent, CILT supports over 35,000 members in more than 50 countries. Through our educational suite, our strong community and our commitment to high standards, we help professionals at all levels to develop their careers and access better jobs.
We offer the complete range of learning, from accredited undergraduate and postgraduate degrees through to highly focused in-work courses. We also offer five levels of international qualifications, tailored to suit local conditions as and where appropriate.
The above information indicates the minimum requirements to obtain the qualification, however, CILT International works closely with training providers to ensure that courses meet the local Qualification Frameworks. As such, additional modules/units may form part of the course as per local government regulation and recognition of the programme of study.
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