What Moves Hong Kong’s Train Ridership and Passenger Welfare?
23 April 2021 Virtual Event
18:00 – 19:00 (Asia/Hong_Kong)
CILT Hong Kong is pleased to invite Prof Woo, Department of Asian and Policy Studies, The Education University of Hong Kong (EdUHK) to share with members and friends his research study on ‘What moves Hong Kong’s train ridership and passenger welfare?’
Prof C.K.Woo who specialises in energy economics and applied microeconomics is one of the world’s top 2% of scientists in the field of energy. Since joining EdUHK in 2015, he has won a General Research Fund project, a Teaching Development Grant, a Public Policy Research project, five faculty research prizes, and a gold medal for Online Assessment System for Individual Scores (OASIS) in the International Innovation and Invention Competition (IIIC) Taiwan 2020. With 30+ years of industry experience and 170+ refereed publications, he is a senior fellow of the United States Association for Energy Economics and an editorial board member of Energy, Energy Policy, and The Energy Journal.