Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

In the logistics, transport and supply chain sector, it can be recognised that steps are being taken in the right direction regarding gender equity. Indeed, growing awareness and organisational campaigns have had a positive impact on the role and presence of women in the sector – so much so, that Gartner estimates women now make up 41% of the supply chain workforce, with a little over a quarter (26%) of supply chain C-suite roles filled by female leaders.
Statistics such as these show the gap has narrowed significantly. However, other research and studies come to different conclusions and suggest that far more needs to be done. For example, a report published by Heidrick & Struggles International finds that the supply chain function has the lowest share of women in leadership roles at just 13%.
Leveraging diversity to address the talent gap
While it can be difficult to discern the true size of the gender gap in these sectors, the fact of the matter is that supply chain and transportation remain heavily male-dominated.
Striving to eliminate the gender gap in these areas is undoubtedly the right thing to do. However, it should not be viewed as an obligation, but rather a significant opportunity.
At present, our profession is faced with the issue of mounting skills shortages. In the case of supply chain, a recent survey from MHI revealed that attracting and retaining qualified workers is the leading challenge in the eyes of supply chain executives, cited by 57%.

Increasing female representation will naturally go a long way in helping to resolve this. Simply put, with more people available in the supply chain, logistics and transportation talent pools, more gaps can be filled, regardless of gender.
Consider truck drivers as an example. Across 36 countries, analysis from IRU shows that there are more than three million unfilled truck driver jobs at present – a shortage that’s expected to worsen significantly. Indeed, without the necessary action to attract and retain drivers more effectively, it is anticipated that over seven million truck driver positions could be unfilled by 2028.
At the same time, IRU reveals that just 6% of truck drivers across these same 36 countries are women. With the current three million employment gap representing 7% of total positions, a relatively moderate percentage increase in the prevalence of women in such positions would go a long way in addressing the overall shortage.

Of course, addressing the gender balance should by no means be pursued in the aim of simply solving skills shortages, or because it is the right thing to do. Equally, there is a significant business case that underlines how enhancing workplace diversity makes strong financial sense.
Here, we outline three of the key business benefits of making a concerted effort towards enhancing DE&I strategies.
The business case for DE&I in logistics, transport & supply chain
Productivity and innovation
Greater profitability
Attracting and retaining talent
Diversity, equity and inclusion are needed now more than ever
Diversity, equity and inclusion strategies will undoubtedly play a key role in shaping the fortunes of the supply chain, logistics and transportation sectors in the coming years.
With these industries set to face stormy seas in relation to talent and technology, firms must consider the ways in which they can attract and sustain a happy workforce to remain stable during periods of significant change.
Yes, businesses must continue to keep their finger on the pulse of technological change. Yet they must not do so at the expense of their people and talent practices.
The merits are clear. By focusing on attracting and retaining women within key supply chain and transportation positions, existing talent gaps can be bridged alongside the creation of a broader pool of innovation and creativity.