Women in Logistics & Transport

We firmly hold the view that diversity and encouraging more female participation in our industry, which is perceived to be male dominated, will do the industry well.
(Dr Dorothy Chan, WiLAT Global Chairperson and Global Advisor, June 2019)
WiLAT Mission
Our mission is to promote the status of women in Logistics and Transport, to bring together those who aid the career development of women, and to provide a support network for women in the sector. We have a vision of being the most sought after organisation for advocacy and empowerment of women in the Logistics and Transport industry.

The future
Our work toward this goal is concentrated into four key areas: Leadership, Mentorship, Entrepreneurship and Empowerment. Within these areas we work to bring change to our industry and the wider economy.
We are also aware of our role in society and our responsibilities not just to women but to the planet and to future generations. We are at the forefront of the change toward a greener, more equal and more socially responsible logistics and transport industry.

Nearly 10 years after the global launch of WiLAT, we wanted to take the opportunity to celebrate all that this incredible initiative has achieved – and look to the future and all that we still want to do.
Our Chief Editor of this publication Dr Dorothy Chan, Immediate Past WiLAT Global Chairperson, and Deputy Editor Dhashma Karunaratne, WiLAT Global Media Coordinator led the editorial committee to compose this book “Spreading Our Wings”.
Enjoy reading!

Watch below as WiLAT celebrate their 10th anniversary at the CILT International convention in Perth, October 2022.

WiLAT Membership
WiLAT membership is fully dependent on membership of Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport (CILT). Female members of CILT automatically become members of their local group of WilAT. Male members of CILT or anyone interested in WilAT but not yet a member of CILT may become a Friend of WiLAT. For further information please contact the chairperson of your local group or your regional co-ordinator.
WiLAT Structure
The WiLAT Steering committee comprising of the Global Convenor, Deputy Global Chairperson, and Global Vice Chairpersons by region is responsible for the growth and development of WiLAT internationally, and for coordinating our annual global conference. The Global Convenor / Deputy Global Chairperson who sits on the CILT International Management Committee (IMC) reports on global development progress to the IMC regularly. Global Vice Chairpersons promote the interests of women in their region and encourage membership. Country groups work with and on behalf of women at local level, organizing events, providing local support and networking opportunities, and representing women within the local CILT council.
WiLAT Governance
The operation of WiLAT is governed by the WiLAT Forum Guidelines as set by the CILT Council of Trustees (COT). You may view the guidelines here.
Establishing a WiLAT Group
WilAT groups are formed within CILT Territorial Organisations and Branches. In areas where CILT is not yet established WiLAT activities will be guided by the regional co-ordinator. Please contact your regional co-ordinator for more information on establishing a local group.
WiLAT Sponsorship
Sponsorship is welcomed to encourage and sustain the development of WiLAT. Please contact us if you wish to support our groups or events.

Representing our members – 2023 survey
We like to regularly survey our members to ensure we’re representing them in the work we do. Here is the report from our 2023 survey, makes very interesting reading!

WiLAT Sri Lanka Annual Report | 2022 – 2023
Read the latest annual report produced by the Sri Lankan division of our Women in Logistics and Transport forum. To download a copy of the report, click the photo below.