Member benefits
Wherever you are and whatever your career status, you should join the Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport. Your career depends on it. Institute members progress faster and contribute more than those who don’t join their professional body.

CILT membership means you stand to gain much from the wider profession whilst contributing much into the profession. As a member you can take advantage of the international scale of our Institute through:
You are a member of a global organisation
Special Initiatives
Knowledge Sharing
You are a member of an Institute that makes a national contribution. A wide range of benefits exist locally run by each Institute country. These vary by country but they often provide:
- Links to new appointments and opportunities to change jobs
- News and bulletins in the country
- Mentoring and support for career development
- Libraries of information on the profession – both electronic and book based
- Best practice and interest groups focused on particular sectors
For more information on member benefits, read our online brochure.

Find a CILT branch near you
Use our interactive map to find a CILT branch local to you. Our branches will provide guidance and information on their qualifying criteria for membership.