Ibrahim A. JibrilIVP Africa and Chair of Africa Forum

I have been a transport practitioner all my adult life but upon becoming a member of CILT some decades ago, I have greatly up-scaled my professional calling. I have four decades of professional experience after having qualified as a Licenced Aircraft Engineer and armed with an Advanced Diploma & Bachelor’s Degree both in Public Administration and a Master’s Degree in International Affairs and Diplomacy.
As a competent professional, I operated Helicopters and partnered with the Federal Government of Nigeria in the control of pests such as Quilea Birds, Grasshoppers, Tse-Tse Flies, etc.
I participated fully in driving the professionalization of the Logistics and Transport Practice and coordinated Multi-modal Transport Training in Nigeria and championed the drive for the upgrade of CILT, Nigeria from a Branch to an International Territory.
A highly esteemed and respected Maritime Labour Administrator who made enormous contributions to the Federal Government Reforms in the Nigerian Sea Ports.
I am one of the initiators and drivers of human and infrastructure capacity building which saw to the training of thousands of Seafarers in the maritime industry and under the Nigerian Seafarers Development Programme (NSDP) including Dockworkers, promoted the establishment of Ship Repair Yards, Ship Breaking & Recycling Yard and acquisition of a Modular Floating Dock, in the Nigerian Maritime industry.
I am a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport, Fellow of the Nigerian Institute (Chartered) of Management (NIM) and a Companion of the Nautical Institute (CNI).
A one-time International Vice President of the Institute representing Nigeria on the International Management Committee (IMC) of the Institute, a two term National President & Chairman of Council and an Ex-officio of the Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport, Nigeria. I am currently the International Vice President (IVP) and Chairman of Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport, Africa.
A former member of the Governing Councils of the Nigerian Institute of Transport Technology (NITT), Zaria, Nigeria, Nigerian Institute (Chartered) of Management (NIM) and the Centre for Logistics and Transport (CELTRAS) of the University of Port Harcourt, Nigeria.