My CILT journey summarises the quote by Mahatma Gandhi – “The best way to find yourself is to loose yourself in the service of others”. Indeed, as we serve others we end up working on ourselves; every act, every word, every gesture of genuine compassion naturally nourishes and nurtures us and I intend to inspire, especially our thousands of volunteers within our community, before I expire.
My humble beginnings in serving and volunteering in different roles within CILT has brought me this far and made me a pace setter in different capacities. I started my CILT career at branch level as Treasurer of CILT Ghana in 2000 and in 2004 became the Honorary Secretary before being appointed International Vice President responsible for Africa and Chair of Africa Forum for a period of 5 years.
- I am humbled as the first African and a proud Ghanaian to become the Global President of this Institute since its establishment in 1919.
- I am the first non-voting member to have been co-opted into the Council of Trustees as an Advisor and subsequently that role has been institutionalised as part of the current structure of the Trustees.
- I am also the first individual recipient of the highest meritorious and distinguished service award, the PEGASUS AWARD, since 1919 for exceptional hard work in serving the Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport which was presented to me by Her Royal Highness Princess Anne, a Patron and former President of the Institute.
- I have been the Initiator, Producer and Host of the first Radio Car Talk Show on car maintenance and road safety issues known as “Arrive Alive” in Ghana. More so the Producer of Drivers Academy, a serialised TV Drama series on National Television, first of its kind in Ghana.
Within my 35 years journey within CILT, I have had the honour to establish and re-structure various CILT branches and have also provided educational support and accreditation in various branches in Africa.
As a man of many parts driven by passion, service and quest for excellence, I aspire to make the global challenge for greater diversity and inclusivity in our profession the heart of my work and ensure we are STRONGER TOGETHER.