International Convention 2017

11 – 14 June 2017 Macao
0:00 (Europe/London)
This year’s International Convention will be taking place in Macao from the 11th to the 14th of June. One of the world’s most famous free ports, Macao is a fascinating blend of industries and cultures, a jewel on the south coast of China, across the Pearl River Delta from Hong Kong. Organised under the theme of ‘Smart Journey, Belt and Road’, the Convention will explore two of the most important developments currently making an impact on our industry: the rise of Smart Technology and the ambitious One Belt One Road (OBOR) initiative.

Delegates will enjoy an exciting 4 day programme including Guest International Speakers, Workshop and interactive sessions, the Women in Logistics and Transport conference, the Young Professionals Conference, and opportunities to be involved in shaping the future of our Institute and our Industry.
Accommodation has been organised with the Sheraton Grand Hotel, and booking is now open. Click here to reserve you room and register for Convention. Register before the end of April and take advantage of a 20% early bird discount.
The Sheraton Grand is in the heart of the Cotai strip. A portmanteau of the Portuguese and Chinese names for the two Macanese islands of Coloane and Taipa, Cotai is built on land reclaimed from the sea, and boasts a wealth of tourist attractions, entertainments and architectural marvels.
As with many destinations worldwide, Macao requires some visitors to apply for a visa in advance. Please make sure to check whether you are affected by this and organise one if necessary. Information about visa applications can be found on the Macao Tourist Board website and the Immigration section of the Public Security Force website. Alternatively contact your relevant government department, or the Convention Secretariat office at for help and advice.
Join us in Macao to meet up with old friends, develop new international relationships and share experience and best practice with colleagues across our global family.