Successful Women in the Supply Chain

Image for Successful Women in the Supply Chain
Date & Time
2 February 2021 Virtual Event
17:00 – 18:00 (Australia/Melbourne)
Free for members. $15 non members
Virtual Event

WiLAT Australia invite you to join their first virtual event of 2021. Kerry McAleer will discuss the challenges she faced as National Supply Chain Manager, Coles Bakery, Melbourne during the Covid-19 lockdown and how the logistics and transport industry adapted.

Kerry manages the end to end national Coles Supermarkets Supply Chain for Bakery, including Supply to Demand. Her goal is to strengthen how Coles Supermarkets work with their suppliers to achieve greater customer satisfaction through availability, and freshness, as well as customising the 1500+ product range offer across the 800 + Coles supermarkets nationally.

In 2019 Kerry organised the first Coles Supply Chain Expo, engaging with over 50 Suppliers, providing greater insights into Cole’s strategic plan, and opening up dialogue with Suppliers on how both Cole’s and the Suppliers can collectively achieve their goals.