Tackling Covid-19 Impacts in Lower Income Countries – the Tanzania Experience

Image for Tackling Covid-19 Impacts in Lower Income Countries – the Tanzania Experience
Date & Time
3 March 2021 Virtual Event
9:00 – 10:30 (Europe/London)
Free of charge
Virtual Event

Our next international webinar on Wednesday 3rd March will focus on the results of 3 key research projects in East Africa. Led by Next Generation members Moh’d Masoud and Cyprian Moses, the session will discuss the approach taken in Tanzania and other African countries in addressing the Covid-19 challenge. Although the focus will be on the findings from Tanzania and surrounding countries, there are helpful messages for lower income countries around the world coping with social, economic and accessibility issues as a result of the pandemic.

The projects covering transport worker health risks, access for disabled people and wider transport sector impacts have been funded by UK AID and supported by CILT International expertise, and are part of the High Volume Transport programme. The webinar is a key part of the dissemination process and there will be plenty of opportunity to ask questions and bring your own country’s perspective.

Guest Speaker Julie King will talk about the largest of the 3 projects covering the impact of Covid-19 on mobility and public transport accessibility for people with disabilities. Based on target locations in Dar Es Salaam, Kagera and Zanzibar (where the density of people with disabilities is highest in Tanzania) this study involved extensive research engaging with over 2500 people, many of them with lived experience of disability.

The Covid-19 pandemic has disproportionately impacted people with disabilities as many were already in vulnerable situations due to their pre-existing conditions before the crisis. This key research assesses the impacts on mobility, and considers how to ensure that response and recovery measures are fully inclusive of persons with disabilities.

Julie is an expert in gender related issues, inclusive development, international health and cross-cultural studies having worked in Australia, Cambodia, Fiji, Lao PDR, Nepal, Tanzania, Thailand, Tonga, United Kingdom and Vietnam. She is currently a Senior Lecturer, Honours Coordinator, Deputy Academic Lead of International Engagement and Recruitment, School of Public Health and Social Work, Queensland University of Technology.

Guest Speakers Cyprian Moses and Rukia Shamte will discuss their research and recommendations for a risk reduction and safety programme for the transport workforce in Tanzania. The research team focused on the risks associated with Covid-19 in day to day operations with the aim of maximising the safety of the workforce. This study calls for policy action from  government and employers, based on a partnership approach and a reduction in exclusion and discrimination.

Cyprian is an internationally recognised Emerging Leader in ISO 9001 Quality Analytics in Supply Chain Management, Transport, Procurement and Logistics. He was a finalist in CILT’s International YoungAchiever Award in 2017 and the Henry Spurrier Global Researcher Award winner in 2018. He now serves as the Chief Executive Officer of Hudumaplus Limited. Cyprian is the Project Manager for 2 of the 3 HVT projects you will hear about on the webinar.

Rukia Shamte has over 30-years’ experience in the multidisciplinary approach to develop logistics and corridors. She has an in-depth understanding of political, legal-regulatory, financial and institutional processes, particularly in Tanzania, Rwanda, Burundi, DRC and Uganda. Ms. Shamte has long-standing experience in building multinational teams with diverse backgrounds, and is skilled in cross cultural and consensus building to resolve complex cross border transport and corridor issues. She has worked with the private sector transport industry, consultants, EAC, SADC, and donors.

Finally, Guest Speakers Mohammed Masoud and Rauxen Zedriga will talk about their study designed to look at the economic impacts of Covid-19 across the transport sector. Targeting changes in transport capacity utilisation in maritime, air, road and railway sectors, the research assessed changes in logistics performance before, during and after the Covid-19 pandemic and what that would mean for Tanzania and surrounding East African countries

Moh’d is the Project Manager for 1 of the HVT projects you will hear about on the webinar.


Rauxen Zedriga holds a Master of Arts in Development Studies (MA (DS) (1989)) from University of Manitoba ,Canada and a Master of Business Administration (MBA (2015)) from Open University of Tanzania specializing in Marketing (Supply Chain Development and Management).

He has diverse experience in Civil Service of Uganda (7 years), Executive Management of Non-Governmental/ Civil Society Organizations (5 years) in Uganda and East/ Southern Africa as well as Corporate Institutions, including being a Director for Planning and Projects Development in Uganda AIDS Commission, wherein he spearheaded the Multi-sectoral Approach for Control of HIV/AIDS (MACA) Policy guiding the development of the National Operational Plan to handle AIDS in Uganda. This approach won international acclaim and became the basis for the development and establishment of the UNAIDS programme based in Geneva.

Rauxen has also been extensively involved in Consultancy Services as a specialist in areas spanning from project development and management assessment, social services operational assessment to transport infrastructure and logistics applications development in East and Southern Africa.

Following the presentations Jon Harris will lead a panel discussion to consider:

• What does the future look like for LIC countries?
• How can we transfer lessons learnt?
• What policies and practices need to change?

Delegates can register for the webinar directly or watch the live stream on our international Facebook page.