Women Transforming Transport, Logistics and Supply Chain in Ireland

Image for Women Transforming Transport, Logistics and Supply Chain in Ireland
Date & Time
8 March 2021 Virtual Event
8:30 – 9:40 (Europe/London)
Free of charge
Virtual Event

As part of International Women’s Day we are running a FREE webinar with some of Irelands top women in logistics, transport and supply chain. We also invited Adrian Byrne, from ATC logistics, who recently completed his thesis looking at the lack of gender equality in our sector, despite the growing number of women working across all areas.

Our guest speakers are:

  • Megan Yeates (Logistics Project Manager, Lidl Ireland)
  • Yvonne Sheehan (Assistant Lecturer, TU Dublin)
  • Kasia Steyn (Freights Services Executive, Irish Rail)
  • Pamela Denison (Head of Road Haulage Business Engagement, Department of Transport, UK)
  • Adrian Byrne (General Manager, ATC Computer Transport and Logistics)

The webinar will be delivered via Zoom.

Registered participants will be emailed the link to the webinar prior to the commencement time.

Please share this invitation and the booking link with anyone you feel may be interested in attending. #ChooseToChallenge