The Next 100 Years

Guests at CILT Convention 2019

The end of the 2019 is upon us, and with it the end of our Centenary year and the Centenary Campaign. The campaign proved to be very popular and brought CILT to life as a ‘people’ organisation. We are proud of how well it was received, and grateful to everyone for playing their part in making it a success.

Now however, the time has come to focus fully on the future of our members and the next 100 years of our Institute. As the campaign ends, our logo will return to the traditional CILT purple and gold, as will our website banners and imagery. Although there will be no more I AM CILT videos, all these will still be available through the membership section of our homepage, as well as on our YouTube page, where you can also find the WE ARE CILT film premiered at the Savoy last November.

On the 1st of January 2020, Sir Peter Hendy will step down, and Dato’ Ts Radzak Abd Malek will become International President. A long serving member of CILT Malaysia, and a veteran of the logistics industry, Dato’ Radzak will focus on a policy of ‘everyone matters’, working to build influence with governments and state organisations, whilst ensuring we remain open and inclusive, ‘ready to listen, and to understand difference, ready engage locally, as well as globally’.

The new year will see Africa Forum 2020 held in Accra, Ghana between the 18th and 20th of March. The Forum will include delegates from across Africa as well as the rest of the world, and consider the theme ‘Sustainable Implementation of the Africa Continental Free Trade Agreement (AfCFTA): The Role of Logistics, Transport and the Industry’. Later in the year CILT International Convention will take place in Perth, Australia under the theme ‘Integrated. Automated. Localised. On-Demand Logistics for the World of Tomorrow.’ To find out more, visit the convention website –

We will of course continue to be active on Facebook and Twitter, and we look forward to engaging with you all, and hearing your news and views on those platforms. In the meantime, everyone in the CILT International office wishes you a peaceful holiday season, and a happy new year.