CILT International Secretary General Consulted for Santander Report on India

Secretary General Keith Newton worked with Santander’s Logistics and Transport Sector Team on the Report entitled Leveraging Investment Opportunities in the Indian Food Processing Sector. Secretary General Newton was consulted on the UK logistics scene, and how British logistics expertise makes an excellent partner for Indian business.
The United Kingdom and India share deep historic ties, reinforced by strong democratic values and trade relations. Bilateral trade has stabilized at around £16 billion in recent years with food and food processing items contributing about 6%. The report recognises the respective inherent strengths of British and Indian food processing, and provides an overview of trade and investment opportunities in India’s food processing industry. It describes key challenges, including those in the logistics sector, and highlights the enormous potential for growth in key subsectors of the food processing industry.
India is a rising economic powerhouse, containing a market of 1.3 Billion Consumers with rising discretionary incomes and a £228 billion food market. India is the largest producer of milk in the world, and the second largest producer of fish. The Indian food processing industry accounts for 9% of India’s manufacturing GDP and is the largest employer in the country, providing a livelihood for nearly 1.5 million persons.
Santander Group is a diverse retail and commercial bank with over 188,000 employees and 125 million customers.
The Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport is the first choice membership organisation for everyone working in supply chain, logistics and transport. Founded in 1919 with a mission to improve industry practices and nurture talent, CILT represents professionals at all levels across all sectors, and gives individuals and organisations access to the tools, the knowledge and the connections vital to success in the logistics and transport industry.