Lead with a Purpose, Passion, and Presence

Gayani de Alwis in her office

Gayani de Alwis, global Vice-Chairperson WiLAT South Asia and Chairperson of CILT Sri Lanka, recently gave an interview to the Sri Lanka Daily Mirror’s Life Online section.

In a wide ranging interview she discussed her career, including her position as the first female director of supply chain in South Asia in Unilever, her work as Chairperson of CILT Sri Lanka, and her passion for supporting women in the workplace.

Asked what advice she would give to career women in Sri Lanka, Gayani focused on the wider picture, noting that ‘Women are playing leading roles in society. Why should a career be an obstacle course for women, but a 100-meter dash for men? Being a woman should not ever be considered as a barrier for our progress. We are unique; we have our innate capabilities that differentiate us. Make your choices early and instil confidence in yourself to achieve your goals in life with passion and commitment.’

‘Start by doing what is necessary, then do what is possible and suddenly you are doing the impossible. Don’t ever give up and be someone who lifts the spirit of another.’

Read the full interview here.

Find out more about WiLAT and CILT.