Vision for the Future

Under the title ‘The Future is Ours’, CILT International President Kevin Byrne will discuss the significance of the One Belt, One Road policy (OBOR), and the key role CILT can play in making the connections, providing the education and ensuring the standards that will make it a success. He will also discuss the importance of growing existing CILT Territories like China, developing new Branches like CILT Kazakhstan, and how projects like OBOR, and conferences like this and the forthcoming CILT International Convention in Poland, can make us Stronger Together.
The 4th China International Logistics Development Conference, organised by Xuzhou Municipal Government in conjunction with CILT China and CILT International, will take place in Xuzhou City, Jiangsu province, China from the 1st to the 2nd of November. Under the theme of ‘Connectivity and Integration, Opening and Sharing’, the event will include a Prime Forum, the Business Logistics Centre in Huaihai Economic Zone Summit Forum, a Logistics Integration Development Forum, a Women in Logistics and Transport forum, and various local visits.
Kevin is a CILT veteran, having joined the then CIT in Ireland in 1992 as a Chartered Member. He was appointed President-Elect of CILT International in January 2015. He is an experienced educator, and continues to teach part-time on the BSc and MSc programmes in Aviation Management in Dublin City University and on similar courses in Coventry University in the UK. Kevin is also a distinguished military man, having held a variety of appointments both in Ireland and overseas, including time in the Operations and Public Relations Offices, and postings as Commander of the Technical Training School, and later the Military Police Unit.
The Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport is a global membership organisation representing professionals at all levels, with a mission to give individuals and organisations access to the tools, knowledge and insight vital to thriving in the logistics and transport industry.