Vision 2035: Transport, Logistics and the Economy

CILT (UK)’s well-received report Vision 2035 was published in September 2011. Its purpose was to look to the future and visualise how transport and logistics in Britain would develop, taking account of demographic changes, population growth, technological developments and social and political change. The aim was to identify the challenges the sector would face and the policy instruments needed to serve society as effectively as possible.

Vision 2035 did not claim to be the last word on the subject; neither should it be taken as
established CILT doctrine. The Institute regards it as a starting point for continuing work on likely future changes and the development of more detailed ideas on how best to meet the likely demands on logistics and the transport system. The Institute is therefore promoting a series of studies, discussions and other activities to build on the original Vision 2035, update it and highlight new and emerging issues. Our new series of reports is called: Vision 2035: Transport, Logistics and the Economy.
This report, A Vision for Transport Planning, prepared in association with the Transport Planning Society (TPS), is the third of the series.