WiLAT Global Newsletter: Wings of Change Issue 7

Our Women in Logistics and Transport (WiLAT) forum share the seventh edition of their global newsletter: Wings of Change.
“I am delighted to bring you another forward stepping edition of “Wings of Change”, WiLAT Global newsletter. In this edition, we have shared some of our pages with the WiLAT sisterhood for a greater cause. As we’re all aware, a series of unfortunate events happened over the last few months, where the entire capability of humanitarian logistics was put into test. “Stronger together” was the calling, as most forces and organisations around the globe joined hands to support whoever was affected and faced losses. Thus in this edition, we’ve paid homage to the role of Logistics during disastrous times and an overall guide on preparing for such adversities.”
Indeewari Chandrasekara MILT, Editor
WiLAT is the international women’s forum within the Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport. Since its formation in 2013 WiLAT has gone from strength to strength, and now supports over 3,200 members through 38 national chapters.
WiLAT’s mission is to promote the status of women in the supply chain, logistics and transport industry, to bring together those who aid the career development of women, and to provide a support network for women in the sector. For more information, visit WiLAT’s dedicated website.