Wings of Change Issue 3

International Womens Day 2022

Women in Logistics and Transport (WiLAT) share the third edition of their global newsletter: Wings of Change.

Wings of Change version 3

“8th March 2022 is marked in my calendar in purple, to remind me that’s it’s a day of celebration and inspiration. Over a horizon of a century, a decade and a few years, International Women’s Day (IWD) which was founded by a fragment of people has grown into something magnificent. Today IWD is owned by multitudes and belongs to all groups collectively everywhere.

We have achieved much, and it’s indeed a day of celebration. One day we acknowledge the scores of people who support and stand by us. Who believed in us even before we arrived. Our parents, siblings, teachers, mentors, team members, leaders, the list is extensive.

This year the theme was #BreakTheBias. We’ve been made to understand that Society is biased, and as I take defence and point my finger at Society; three fingers point back at me, reminding me that I am the Society and it’s I who needs to change, to overcome the barriers I have set for myself, my family, my team members, my organisation and my industry. If I am to be the change I want to see, I need to challenge myself first, and shake off the biasness, which I am conscious of and so unconscious of.

And as the king of pop said, the journey begins with the (wo)man in the mirror!”

Dhashma Karunaratne, Editor

Read Issue Three here

WiLAT is the international women’s forum within the Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport. Since its formation in 2013 WiLAT has gone from strength to strength, and now supports over 3,000 members through 34 national chapters.

WiLAT’s mission is to promote the status of women in the supply chain, logistics and transport industry, to bring together those who aid the career development of women, and to provide a support network for women in the sector.