Wings of Change Issue 2

Women in Logistics and Transport (WiLAT) share the second edition of their global newsletter: Wings of Change.

“2021 was a year like no other! Amidst great challenges, the Logistics and Transport industry emerged resilient and resourceful. The people factor remained the vital differentiator.

This was strongly reflected in the Global WiLAT community. Our focus and undeterred efforts resulted in greater empowerment among the women in Logistics and Transport. We embarked on many new adventures and produced excellent results. Our programmes, events and projects were all structured to inspire and strengthen the community across the globe which was affected by the pandemic. Women faced a greater share of responsibilities when working from home, including being responsible for care of the elderly, home schooling of children; to name a few.

Under the leadership of our Global Chairperson Gayani De Alwis, we achieved greater heights and spanned further across; our presence widened and deepened.

A big thank you to all of you who wrote in many articles, news alerts, updates and good wishes. The editorial team is most thankful to all of you, for your continued support.

Wishing you all the very best, may 2022 bring to you a new dawning of hope, health and prosperity!

Cheers to more shared successes in the new year!”

Dhashma Karunaratne, Editor

Read Issue Two here

WiLAT is the international women’s forum within the Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport. Since its formation in 2013 WiLAT has gone from strength to strength, and now supports over 3,000 members through 28 national chapters.

WiLAT’s mission is to promote the status of women in the supply chain, logistics and transport industry, to bring together those who aid the career development of women, and to provide a support network for women in the sector.