Publications & Articles

Currently showing: 70 results

Green Revolution: The Place of Logistics and Transport

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Location: Zambia
Authors: Peter Kayula, journalist, author, researcher
Overview: The green revolution in Africa - time for policy and public change.
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An Investigation of the Influence of Green Logistics on Allocating Financial Resources in Transport Infrastructure Investment Projects

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Location: Africa
Authors: Killian Ticharwa Muzongondi 
Overview: Who's responsible for funding green logistics and green infrastructure?
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The Compelling Case for Returning to or Continuing with Negotiated Contracts under the Transition to a Green Fleet in Australia

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Location: Australia
Authors: David A. Hensher, Professor and Founding Director, Institute of Transport and Logistics Studies (ITLS), The University of Sydney Business School.
Overview: The journey to greenness - implications for greening bus fleets in Australia
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Time for our Industry to Wake Up to Gender Inequality

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Location: Ireland
Authors: Adrian Byrne, CMILT, General Manager, ATC Computer Transport & Logistics
Overview: A thought piece and call to action on Gender Equality as one of the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals.
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Supply Chain and Logistics Sustainability Future and Opportunities – The Role of Integration of Diverse Knowledge

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Location: Australia
Authors: Associate Professor Ferry Jie, CMILT, PhD, School of Business and Law, Edith Cowan University; Associate Professor Richard Oloruntoba, School of Management and Marketing, Curtin Business School, Curtin University; Professor Kerry Brown, PhD, School of Business and Law, Edith Cowan University.
Overview: Argument for an integrated approach to sustainability in the supply chain combining diversity and cross discipline research.
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EU Green Deal: Effects on Turkish Exports

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Location: Turkey
Authors: Eser Erginoglu, Wilat Turkey Green Committee
Overview: How green legislation can impact and disadvantage trade in unforseen ways.
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Sustainable Port Operations: Identifying Barriers in Aligning to Sustainable Development Goals: The Case of the Port of Colombo

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Location: Sri Lanka
Authors: H.C. Katuwawalaa, Department of Transport & Logistics Management, Faculty of Engineering University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka; Y. M. Bandara, Department of Transport & Logistics Management, Faculty of Engineering University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka; T. U. Ediriweera, Department of Maritime Transportation Management and Logistics, Faculty of Engineering and Management, The Ocean University of Sri Lanka
Overview: An in-depth country case study of obstacles to setting sustainability goals in ports and maritime.
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Climate Change Negotiations and India: Exploring Co-benefits Approach to Climate Policy Action

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Location: India
Authors: Lily Pandeya & Dr. Aditi Madan
Overview: India's climate change journey and the call for change.
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Adapting Professional Practices to Meet the Challenges of Climate Change: A Focus on Transport Systems and Infrastructure

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Location: Australia
Authors: Michael A P Taylor, Emeritus Professor of Transport Planning, University of South Australia
Overview: Our responsibility as transport professionals in keeping infrastructure and systems climate resilient.
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Empowering Green Healthcare Supply Chain Management Practices Challenges and Future Research

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Published by: International Journal Supply Chain Management
Location: Malaysia
Authors: Norzianis Rezali, Graduate School of Business, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia; Mohd Helmi Ali, School of Management, Faculty of Economic and Management, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia; Fazli Idris, Graduate School of Business, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
Overview: A review of sustainability in the supply chain in the healthcare industry.
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