Bridging the Implementation Gap

Past CILT International President Professor Alan Waller OBE, and CILT UK Chairman Professor Richard Wilding OBE are leading a global research project examining Leadership and Performance Behaviours in next Generation Supply Chains. Professor Waller is Vice-President of Supply Chain Innovation at EFESO Consulting. Both lecture at Cranfield University School of Management where Professor Waller is Visiting Professor in International Supply Chain Management and Professor Wilding is Professor of Supply Chain Strategy.
The project, a collaboration between Cranfield University School of Management Supply Chain Research Centre and EFESO Consulting, seeks to update the findings of a similar major research project undertaken between 2009 and 2012. Also a joint venture between Cranfield University and EFESO Consulting, this previous research highlighted the chasm that existed between vision and successful implementation of supply chain strategic change, identified the key barriers to strategic change, and also the key ‘get-rights’ that were proven in the research to provide a positive link to success.
That first project was unique, being the only study to examine the practical approaches that companies take to the development or implementation of supply chain strategy. Findings were published in a full report and a ‘White Paper’ for senior management across the profession worldwide. Independent follow-on activity by the research partners also included workshops, conference presentations and papers, plus articles and quotations in specialist and general media. The research ‘White Paper’ is available by request.
Of all the issues highlighted in the first report, the most challenging barriers and ‘get-rights’ related to culture and management performance. These areas have become the key focus of the new project. This new research aims to identify the leadership principles and behaviours needed to better steer and secure the successful change required in the strategic leverage of supply chain concepts. As with the earlier research, this latest study is being carried out through direct engagement with senior business professionals world-wide.
CILT Fellows and Leaders in Supply Chain members are invited to participate in this unique and valuable project. Contributions from senior supply chain professionals are also welcome. All participants will receive a copy of the final white paper. The deadline has now been extended to allow contribution by the end of January, if possible. However, all responses received by the end of February will be included in the final analysis.
For further information and to register your interest in taking part, please contact Professor Alan Waller at