Catch Up on our Sustainability and Green Technology Resources

We have to talk about our future. Climate change is a clear and present danger to our planet, and in response we as professionals must change the way we operate. Sustainability and the green agenda come with many challenges, but also many opportunities. We as an Institute must work hard to keep our members informed, and make sure we are best placed to meet those challenges and ensure a sustainable future for all.
With this in mind, and in line with International President Dato’ Radzak Malek’s strategy, our campaign has been supported by a programme of interviews with thought leaders, webinars on key topics, and ‘In Conversation’ pieces on specific areas of interest. You can watch these recordings on our YouTube Channel, via the Publications Section of the international website, or by following the links below:
Smart and Sustainable Mobility: Delivering Low Carbon Places: An international panel discussion with Giles Perkins. Head of Future Mobility, WSP, Deborah Fox, Head of Demand Management, Transport for West Midlands (TfWM), Becky Loo, Professor of Geography, Director of the Institute of Transport Studies, and Founding Co-Director of the Joint Laboratory on Future Cities at the University of Hong Kong, and Lucie Anderton, Head of Sustainability Unit, International Union of Railways (UIC).
Green Series In Conversation with: Paul Le Blond: A discussion with the Key Author of the CILT UK Net Zero report.
Global Environmental Crisis: Future Challenges for the Transport and Logistics Profession: an interview with Professor Alan McKinnon, Kühne Logistics University.
Supply Chain Sustainability in the Maritime Sector: an international panel discussion with Sarinda Unamboowe, Chief Executive Officer, MAS Kreeda; Margaret A. Kidd, Program Director, Supply Chain & Logistics Technology, College of Technology, University of Houston; and Naa Densua Aryeetey, Senior Manager of the Ghana Shippers Authority and Head of Shipper Services and Trade Facilitation.
Green Series in Conversation with: Mieszko Iwaskow: A discussion with Mieszko, Portfolio Delivery Director (Strategic Programmes), Integrated Networks at Auckland Transport.
Recycling, Upcycling and Sustainable Supply Chains: An international panel discussion featuring Catherine Weetman, Author, Consultant, Founder and Director of Rethink Global, Diniece Mendes, Director of Freight Mobility at the New York City Department of Transportation, and Alice Gillman, Head of Marketing, Vivarail.
We also published our Green Technology and Sustainability Bulletin sharing more than 40 articles, papers and recordings, with contributions from members in 20 different CILT countries examining green technology and sustainability issues in relation to the transport and logistics sector.
The Bulletin covers a diverse range of industry topics from the greening of bus fleets in Australia to green supply chain management of the sugar industries in Sri Lanka; from empowering green healthcare supply chain practices in Malaysia to nurturing sustainable practices in logistics and transport organisations in Zimbabwe. I urge you to read some of the pieces, and then follow the advice in the article on Sustainability: A Global Challenge for Us All, to ‘stop, pause, and reflect on your environmental impact’.
Through our social media channels, we have raised awareness of the green agenda by posting statements from members around world describing why green technology and sustainability issues are important to them and the action they are taking in their countries.
We are proud of the way members from all parts of our global family joined together in support of this vital campaign. Together we really can make a difference.