WiLAT Global Chairperson’s New Year Message

My Dear WiLAT Sisters,
As we head into 2023, we are moving from the pandemic to an economically challenging era. WiLATs have proven that we take challenges as new opportunities. I am indeed happy and privileged to be your Global Chairperson at this juncture seeing the global family growing with a stronger voice making an impact to our industry. We should be at our best in 2023 to ensure not only to see us through but also to ensure we fulfil our obligations to the society as a whole.
I am delighted to share this message as we enter our tenth anniversary year of WiLAT globally. In the past year, WiLAT has spread our wings under CILT wings to 38 territories, conducted many value adding capacity building programs through our virtual capacity building center, initiated regional meetings and webinars to engage with our membership, developed and cemented new partnerships. Stars of WiLAT
awards will be an annual feature and I hope this program would enable us to develop a pipeline of future leaders for succession. I also would like to appreciate our outgoing Global Advisors Dabney Shall-Homa FCILT and Romesh David FCILT for their commitment and contribution during their tenure and would like to welcome the incoming Global Advisors Naa Densua Aryeetey FCILT and Edward Lau CILT to the WiLAT global family.
The much-awaited CILT international convention in October last year in Perth gave us an opportunity to meet and interact with the global family after a lapse of three years. The WiLAT 10th anniversary publication and video were launched at the convention amidst a distinguished gathering. For the first time Perth witnessed the emergence of Stars of WILAT. Although many could not attend the Perth
Convention, we hope to see many of you when we celebrate the WiLAT global 10th anniversary this year in Rwanda.
Our robust strategic plan hopefully would enable us to face the recessionary global environment with confidence. WiLATs have demonstrated our pro-activeness, resilience and agility to face the future. As we grow in numbers we have also grown in influence and that is our secret sauce!
I am thankful to each and every one of you for your immense contribution in the past one-year to grow WiLAT and wish you and your families a happy and a healthy new year.
Lets keep our partnerships with a purpose and passion to drive greater progress in the coming year and beyond.
Gayani de Alwis FCILT
Global WiLAT Chairperson