Women in Logistics and Transport (WiLAT) 10th Year Anniversary Publication Supported by South Asia Gateway Terminals (SAGT)

Our Women in Transport and Logistics forum has garned some amazing support from the South Asia Gateway Terminals (SAGT),  Sri Lanka’s first public private partnership container terminal. SAGT joined hands with our global women’s forum to celebrate WiLAT’s “Spreading our Wings” publication, published in celebration of WiLAT’s 10th anniversary of its global launch. Click to read more on the collaboration.

WiLAT promotes the status of women in logistics and transport, bringing together those who support talent and career development of women and to provide a support network and mentoring opportunities for women in the sector.

To find out more about WiLAT, visit here or to join WiLAT, contact a WiLAT representative in a territory local to you.