From the time I graduated with an Advanced International Diploma, a Degree and Masters in Logistics and Transport in the early and mid-2000, my career progression has been tremendously rising. I can safely say that, it was a good idea to decide upon, chose and undertake a career in Logistics and Transport.

It is imperative to mention that although CILT supports branches in many countries across the globe, the task remains on such individual Councils and Territories to grow their membership and provide professional guidance on issues related to transport and logistics progression in their various countries.

CILT professionals can only be recognized both locally and internationally through provision of local solutions to local challenges and also the provision of global solutions to global challenges. My goal is to ensure that CILT professionals rise to the challenge and devise and implement transport and logistics strategies that shall proactively respond to the current economic trends. This shall only be done through constant research and development.

I personally define stronger together as “a combination of dedicated CILT professionals, with tenacity about the transport, logistics and supply chain professions, competing in a competitive market, but with a will to achieve and sustain competitive advantage”.

We are Stronger Together.