GHG Emission Levels and Climate Impact of Logistics in the Oil and Gas Sector


Climate change is the glaring truth and the proverbial ‘big elephant in the room’ forcing Governments and Communities Globally to urgently re-examine consumption patterns, behavior and the impact it has on the planet.
This has driven a growing demand for climate consciousness and sustainability in producing and delivering products and services. The new key success factor in organizations today, is the degree of mindfulness the organization has on their environmental impact (carbon-footprint) and towards sustainability.

To assist in that many organisations are ESG (Environmental, Social & Corporate Governance) as part of their corporate strategy towards sustainability and green practices. Many have recognized that a large portion of the Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions are contributed by the logistics and transport sector. This has now increased significantly with the growth of e-commerce with returns of consumables in the reverse process.

As part of CILT International’s Green Technology & Sustainability Campaign, CILT Malaysia has organized a series of webinars to provide awareness, to understand the initiatives being taken in Malaysia towards climate action and sustainable practices and to provide a platform to exchange ideas, practices and knowledge between the public and private sector in Malaysia and the region.

Watch the second webinar on GHG Emission Levels and Climate Impact of Logistics in the Oil and Gas Sector here:


The views represented are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views or policies of CILT.